Wednesday 4 June 2008



Arini dh genap seminggu cuti sakit..hihi..

*owh.lupe nk story*

hari rabu yg lepas, sy telah meng'injured'kn diri.. jari kanan perlu dijahit (3jahitan je so dunt wori) dan sepatutnye arini dh bukak dah bnde tu.. tp tadi doc check, luka tu tak elok lagi, so extend cuti seminggu lagi..

haish.. maknenye cuti 2 minggu!!! kalo saye tahu, dah lame saye pegi berpoya2 kt mane2..hihi..

setelah 6 hari sejak insiden tu, baru saye bgtau ibu psl perkara ni.. ^_^ ibu cool je~
tapi kakak kate, ayah bengang sbb die igt takde org yg supervise sy... padehal mmg salah saye pun..jadi, tak payahla nk sue sape2 ye, kakakku syg.. ^_^

jadi, saye tibe2 rase nk gi paris bersama kak as dan kak mai utk hari keluarga.. ~


::listening to L'amour à La Française::

Tuesday 3 June 2008



= i'm out of idea.=
=i'm having a headache.=
=think i shud walk n walk 2 avoid clotted lipid in blood vessels=
=feel like crying but i can't as it would burden me more.=
=listening to
même si.=
grégory lemarchal.=
=report<---no progress.=
=just told ibu dis morning bout what happend last wednesday=

Monday 12 May 2008

haPPy m0tHer's dAy


*ehehe..mother's day 11hb ye..bukan hari ni.. =P

semalam ibu call.. blh dengar nada hepi ibu di hujung talian. mane tidaknye..dpt bouquet of roses utk hari ibu.. thanx kpd kwn krn memberi idea utk menempah bunga secara online..hehe.. sy beli kt sini (tapi kn, apesal die still tak deduct duit dr akaun ek?nnt2 die deduct la kot..)

jadi, mood ibu yg baik itu telah membuatkn ibu tiba2 meng'offer' utk byr sebahgian tambang utk ke aussie pd cuti summer nnt..(insyaAllah) *wink*wink*

hmm..kalo nk cerita psl ibu, berjela2 la jawabnye.. tak pasal2 kang, ade yg meleleh air mata kang..hihi.. kalo bukan sy yg nangis, para pembaca yg nangis..hehhehe..sbnrnye mata dh kuyu2 kucing. (mcm kucing dlm cerita shrek..)

kpd kak asma', kak shafrah dan ADJs yg lain.. smoga Allah memberkati usaha kalian.. Dia melihat pada USAHA, bukan pada natijah.. hihi..suke tgk kak asma' yg slalu happy go lucky =D

di kesempatan ini, sy ingin mengucapkan slmt hari ibu buat shopforshoppers.. smoga menjadi role model yg baik utk anak2 ^_^

kpd akak2 se'taman' dan sepermainan dan juga isteri sepupuku yg bakal jd ibu... gambatte~!!

Friday 9 May 2008

=the Dream=

bangun shj dr tido, terus cari laptop yg sememangnye diletakkn di tepi katil.


last night was the second time he came into my dream. the first one was about a month ago.. but back then, i saw him just for a few seconds.. but last night was different. we talked, we walked... i asked him so many questions of which i could barely remember.

Dayat suggested for a kenduri arwah. so insyaallah, i'll make a kenduri for him once i'm back in msia. everyone's invited, especially ex-gerik..(sorry guys, i couldn't come 4 d upcoming reunion) neway, i'll confirm the date later,k..

Tuesday 8 April 2008

RePas.. encore!!

As promised, max and nastasia made lunch for us (ana, vincent, and me~)
hehe.. i should write this entry long ago but i was too lazy~!!

These are what we ate =P

Repas de notre region :

En entrée:
Gougères au fromage
Anchoïde et legumes frais

En plats principaux:
Panisse frie

En dessert:
Tarte à la farine de chataignes

Gougères au fromage



Fiadone et
Tarte à la farine de chataignes

France is very famous for its cheese (fromage) and bread. For cheese, it depends on the place where the cheese is made.It may be up high on a mountain.. or maybe in a 'cave' down under.. whre the temperature is suitable in producing the cheese. They say the more the cheese SMELLS, the BETTER it tastes.. i've eaten several cheeses and the most unpleasant cheese is Roquefort..! haha.. i gave 'em away to my neighbour..

Bread.Baguette. *i love them* French baguette uses very particular flour.. like cheese, it depends on which origine the flour come from.. and i love the smell everytime i pass any bakery ^_^

Sunday 30 March 2008


it's half past twelve but i dont feel like sleeping, as there r about 9 ' contrainte de phase' that must be completed. hehe..but my fingers are tingling to type sumthing.

pejam celik, pejam celik.. insyaAllah, it's only 2 weeks left before leaving for Spring Camp.

after the SC, we're starting our practical on 21st april til 27th june.

owh, to make things clear,usually we wont get paid like we do in Msia except when u're in école ingénieur (engineering school). p/s: i'm not murmuring bout the pay.hihi. money is not a prob :)

the problem is that i havent found any practical yet! i really wanted to do my pratical at E.N.S.A.M. (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiérs). last year, one of my msian senior got a practical there,doing research in their lab!!

i sent my CV and lettre de motivation as early as 2nd february. unfortunately, whenever i tried to call the person whom i wrote to, he never pick up, nor replying my mail.

alhamdulillah, few weeks ago, he DID pick up the phone. *owh i'm so motivated!* well, that's not the end. he asked me to contact the director.

pff.. it's quite hard for him to answer the phone as he's so so busy. few days later, he told me to call another madame.. and i should call her this tuesday..

so, i'm praying that she DO have the subject to propose to me.. to the readers, pls pray for me too,k..

eventhough i'm getting myself ready with [2:216] =)

Thursday 27 March 2008


today's the 27th march..
i still haven't decided whether to return home for this coming summer hols or not. there r lots of things that i wanted (and have to) to do in msia yet my head is still spinning,thinking,figuring, etc. i wanna go back but my sumthing tells me not to.

if i were to return, i might find myself loitering with mujahid in oz or with aina in bandung.

or i might go to my fav fastfood.. McDonald or buy myself cream or any skin-food from Bodyshop... or even bring my lil sister to the 'kedai kopi' like i used to.. (NOOOOO... ILI JANGAN..!! ) hmm.. it's so unfair to think about it. i mean, how can i sit down and buy that so-yummy-ice blended mocha while the others were suffering becoz of ME? hehe.. maybe ade yg tak dpt tangkap lagi nih.. well, i think some of u know what i'm saying, aren't u? about the boycott campaign. aiyo.. there r many israelian products which i always use them regularly.. hm.. better find other product i guess.. lets try to make a change, k. =)

so, maybe it's better for me to tie myself here, rather than going home. (p/s: this is just one of the EXCUSES for not returning home :D )

well, actually, there's one place that i wanna go.. quite far from msia and france. teka sendiri ..hihi.. (i've told leokid but he thought i'm kidding) =p

after all, maybe i'll return.. i miss char koew teow kt gerai dpn petronas (not to forget, char koew teow in lumut!!!) .. owh.. wait n see, okay. =)

Sunday 3 February 2008

La Fête..

Oleh krn Nastasia dan Maxsim berkeinginan utk merasa makanan Msia, ana dan sy buat jamuan kecil utk mereka dan kwn2 msia yg sehostel dgn kami..

menu..nasi ayam dan popia.. dessert plak, TIRAMISU!! sedap... =P (tiramisu tu, dorang yg buat..hihi) pasni kene buat sendiri plak..Nastasia dh ajar..senang je =)

teringat time first year di Cité U de Cuques (hostel time first yr..skng dh tuka). Jiran-jiran satu floor sgt rapat..Julia, Zhen, Polyn.. Hilang gak rasa rindu kat kwn2 pmpuan msia..sbb dorang pn mcm kite2 gak..suke bergossip, suke main make-up..hehe :D bab tolong menolong ni, mcm suasana kt kampung2 plak..kalau ade yg nk gi vacation, mintak jagakn pokok..kalau ade yg kekurangan. ketuk pntu jiran..hehe..hihi..mmg tak sangka ada gak mcm ni kt france ni.. kalau ade yg buat majlis, nnt dorang akan belikan daging yg halal sbb dorang tau, ana dan sy mkn mknan halal shj... je vous manque..

actually, mood kurang sket. rase sedey+takut+geram dgn seseorang and i hv completely no idea of what to do next.. thanx leokid..

Thursday 24 January 2008


:D sudah lame btul sy tak mengupdate blog ni.. wee~
mungkin krn tiada yg manis utk diceritakan..

bbrp hari lepas, baru call Shekyn. Shekyn teman ketika PKN. teman sebilik, teman se'platun', teman sekatil.hehe. PKN oh PKN... teringat kisah lama..

kami siri pertama dan batch pertama utk PKN..

banyak dan banyak pengalaman.. masih sy igt, hari pertama di Kem Kg Bharu. Melihat cikgu2 di atas pentas, sy tak kisah masuk dlm mane2 platun, KECUALI dgn cikgu bertopi kuning (cikgu k-role).sy sgt2 berharap agar tak ditakdirkn utk masuk ke platun cikgu K-role krn kelihatan sgt2 tegas..ngaa.. takut! walaubagaimanapun, sy diletakkn juga bersama cikgu k-role, PLATUN 3..! mmg terkejut2 monyet la time tu.

Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia baik bagi kamu, dan boleh jadi (pula) kamu suka kepada sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagi kamu. Allah jualah yang mengetahui, sedang kamu tidak mengetahuinya. (Al-Baqarah: 216)

hehe! walaupun pada mulanya sy tak mahu se'platun' dgn cikgu k-role, tp skang, sy sgt bersyukur.. cikgu k-role sgt best.. mmg pandai handle keadaan dan sgt concern dgn keadaan kami.
platun kami sgt HAPPENING.(all girls) .hehe.. ada juga antara kami yg diberi gelaran oleh cikgu k-role.. termasuk saye :D (mksd sy, gelaran yg elok2)
Sy rase kamilah yg
havoc antara sume platun kt situ. penuh dgn tawa ceria..
macam2 perangai sy jumpe.. perangai2 ni tak blh jumpe dlm buku tau, kene 'jumpe' dgn pengalaman.. :) mungkin anda ade yg tak percaye kalau sy katekn, xde pengalaman yg buatkn sy sedih sepanjang 3 bulan di PKN (kem kg baru dan uitm shah alam).problem tu mmg, xde satu pun yg buat saye down. hmm.. walaubgaimanapun, sy sedar dan agak simpati atas nasib kwn2 lain di sluruh msia ini krn ada yg menghadapi kesukaran dan rase tertekan time PKN..dan ada tidak dapat merasai ke
'best'an pengalaman saya..
dan..disinilah, berita keislaman dia tersebar.. (i hope he's okay now n always be blessed n protected) ^_^

keakraban platun 3.. hm..kalau nk cerita, mmg tak habis la.. (thinking of them makes me wanna cry.. *the comfort of being in a all-girl group* ) rindu voon joo, lai mun, punitha, dll..
p/s: slps bbrp lama, baru perasan ex-klasmate ade same2 kt kem tu jugak..hehe.. (masuk akal gak la, sbb die tu laki)

lepas di kem, di uitm pulak.. pelatih2 dr kem2 lain juga join utk sesi di uitm, termasuklah ALIA..mmg jodoh kite,kn alia? (kite masuk taiping, die masuk taiping. kite pegi PKN, die pegi PKN. kite pegi europe, die pegi europe..sape ikut sape ni,alia??) .keh3.. first day smpai, dah 'bau' abg fasilitator yg akan sy dan kwn2 igt,smpai bile2..haha.. (why am i laughing??)
hidup kt uitm tu, mmg bnyk jln kaki sana sini. penat mmg penat. kalau smpai kelas, mmg baju akan basah.. (pergh..amende blja kt klas tu ek? dh tak igt..hehe)

owh..i hd my MARA interview in shah alam during PKN . *lucky sbb blh escape aerobic tht day* but i was late that morning and i had to tke my shoe off so tht i could run easily to the bus stop. rase mcm heroin plak..hehe.. *berangan*

hmm..pengalaman utk modul yg dibuat di banggunan kejuruteraan mekanikal plak, mmg best.. terperangkap dlm lif 2 kali rasenye.. 1st time terperngkap, lampu tertutup. 2nd time plak, lampu takdela tertutup, tp agk lama gakla dlm lif tu.. (timetu mula lah pikir bukan2) kadang2, kalau takut stuck dlm lif lg, sy sanggup naik tangga..

utk modul tu, kami perlu membentuk kumpulan kecil yg terdiri dr pelatih2 dr kem lain juga.. nak tahu name kumpulan sy? 'SERIOUS' hehe... dinamakn serious sbb kami tak reti2 nk serious semasa memilih nama kumpln.. *ketawa*diam*ketawa*diam*ketawa*diam*ketawa*

i celebrated my 18th brthday with SERIOUS members :D (together with atiey's coz her bday is a day late). but our party was ruined by that 'abg fasi' i told u earlier.. haih~.. sy tak buat kacau pun.. perh..dgn kitorang pun nk bertekak..

*kami ade buat memorandum utk kump SERIOUS.. ^_^ isi memorandum itu mungkin nmpk mcm bdk2 ..but i take it seriously..sbb tu janji :D

(tiada: atiey and angah)
baru lepas 'graduate' PKN

Sunday 20 January 2008


contoh kumpulan haiwan di taman...
(p/s: tmn permainan)

sang katak (la grenouille) : yg menjadi bahan eksperimen medic studnts (bukan semua). someone told me that frog tastes better than snake. so, if u're lost in the jungle and u hv nothing in the menu except frog and snake, he suggested frog :D

kambing biri2 (le mouton) : one of my fav animals

grasshopper (la sauterelle) : err.. i dont think i hv any interest bout insects but people DO eat grasshoppers as a good source of!

giraffe (la girafe) : wikipedia --> A single well-placed kick from an adult giraffe can shatter a lion's skull or break its spine.

Sunday 16 December 2007

Juniors dtg!


Alhamdulillah..Yeay..! akhirnya..hari ni, smpai jugak lawatan 2 org junior dr Nice.. =) rase hepi menerima tetamu.. tetamu kn bawa berkat.. :) lagipun dah lame tak kuar ngn kwn2 pmpuan seramai ni. Shopping ngn pmpuan mmg best! betul tak ana ;p hehe..Tapi esok pagi dorang dh nk balik Nice dh.. *sad*







Sunday 2 December 2007

Mana Pergi Rasa Syukur...?

(Marilah kita beriman sejenak. Sesungguhnya hati lebih cepat berbolakbalik daripada isi periuk yang sedang menggelegak).

Benar..mmg benar.. hati ini sering berbolak balik.. Jadi, sementara ade 'hati' utk menulis blog ini, sy teruskan ^_^ (i dont know why i'm doing this)

Kite sering rase tak puas ati, kenape kite tak dapat ape yg org lain dapat. .Kenapa jadual kelas die tak same mcm kite.. Persoalan: WHY? jawapannya :WHY NOT?

Bile kite slalu tgk yg 'di atas'.. kite lupe utk lihat yg 'di bawah'..

Mari sama2 bersyukur dgn ape yg diberikan..

Dulu time form 4&5, famly berpindah ke Sabah.. Meninggalkn sy dan kakak di semenanjung msia ^_^ so, kalau balik cuti ke sabah, mmg best sgt.. Ayah slalu bawak kami dan 'uncles' utk dinner kt restaurant tepi laut (best wo).. merindui steamboat.. ^_^

One thing about my father kn.. lepas diner, slalunye die akan drive kami ke pasar. Maksud sy, kawasan pasar yg akan dibuka pada keesokan harinya.. Ape yg ayah cr kt pasar mlm2 buta ni?? die nk kami lihat dgn mata sendiri..

Samar-samar..Sayur2 telah terusun di tepi2 jalan.. ORANG2 TUA.. ANAK2 KECIL.. TIDUR DI SITU.. tak silap sy, ade juga yg tidur dlm kereta sorong.. without selimut.. berbantalkn lengan.. tapi kite? siap aircond? heater? comforter? terasa haus-->bukak fridge-->fresh orange.. Alhamdulillah.. semuanya ade di depan mata.. tapi mereka??..

adik..adik pergi sekolah tak..akak pegi sekolah,dik.. tapi akak slalu lupe, lupe tanggungjawab akak..

adik..akak tak sanggup tgk adik mkn mcm tu lagi..akak sedih.. ='(

Thanx ayah.. sering membuatkn sy berfikir, betapa sy perlu bersyukur.. Tak perlu ke Palestin..Lihat shj die negara sendiri..Meskipun kite kononnya dlm arus permodenan..masih ada lagi insan yg memerlukan bantuan..

Ya Allah..andai aku dipanjangkan umur.. dimurahkn rezeki.. jgnlah Engkau jadikan aku seorang hamba yg alpa.. jgnlah Engkau jadikan aku insan yg sombong..Wahai pemilik hati, Kau peliharalah hati ini..Kau bantulah aku agar aku dpt membantu mrk yg memerlukan..

Saturday 10 November 2007

::atas nama cinta::

Tika mata diuji manisnya senyuman
Terpamit rasa menyubur harapan
Dan seketika terlontar ke dunia khayalan
Hingga terlupa singkat perjalanan
Tersedar aku dari terlena
Dibuai lembut belaian cinta

Rela aku pendamkan impian yang tersimpan
Enggan ku keasyikan
Gusar keindahannya
Merampas rasa cinta
pada DIA yang lebih sempurna

Bukan mudah bernafas dalam jiwa hamba
Dan kucuba meninggalkan pesona maya
Kerna tak upaya ku hadapinya
Andai murkaNya menghukum leka

Di atas nama cinta
Pada yang selayaknya
Ku nafikan yang fana
Moga dalam hitungan
Setiap pengorbanan
Agar disuluh cahaya redhaNya

Biar sendiri hingga hujung nyawa
Asal tak sepi dari kasihNya
Kerna sesungguhnya hakikat cinta
Hanya DIA yang Esa

Di atas nama cinta pada yang selayaknya
Kunafikan yang fana
Moga dalam hitungan
Setiap pengorbanan
Agar disuluh redha
Saratkan hati ini dengan cinta hakiki
sehingga kurasai nikmatNya..SyurganYa.. cintaNya

Saturday 3 November 2007

Winter Retreat in France

Tak berpeluang utk join PMS di UK krn clash dgn tarikh cuti? mahu tukar angin ? InsyaAllah sisters2 usrah akan anjurkan winter retreat (Perhimpunan Musim Sejuk) yg pertama di France. Walaubagaimanapun, PMS di France hanya dibuka kpd wanita shj..Setakat ni, dah ade lebih 30 orang yg akan join, including sisters from Ireland dan Prague selain dr France..Kami bukan shj akan mengadakn sesi perbincangn, malah aktiviti2 luar yg sportif! Oleh krn pms kali ni adalah 'adik' kpd pms sebenar yg akan berlangsung di UK, kami akan mengadakn pendekatan yg sama iaitu CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.

Tema : alt + ctrl + shift ( sama dgn PMS UK )
Tarikh : 23-27/12
Venue : CHICHILIANNE, near Grenoble

For more info : responsable de registration mimi at

Wednesday 31 October 2007

The BeST wEeKEnD EveR..!!

well..well.. i think i've found the reason for me to SMILE in france.. =)

kak najaa, kak ina, kak zati, kak dayah, kak as, kak asma', kak reen, kak shafrah, kak mimi, kak mai , kak nadrah, nini, wani, ana. thanks a lot!!

27-28 okt 2007
27 okt
alhamdulillah.. the journey from aix to Toulouse took about 5 hours by train(and bus).. ana and i arrived late that night while the other have started their daurah program earlier.. i was so touched coz they waited for us for dinner.haha.. they might be starving...kami mintak maaf..gommei ne!! ;p

28 okt
It's morning children!! RisE aNd sHiNe!! off to Jardin des Plantes, we took lots of pic! It was sooooo greaatt to be able strolling around the park with GIRLS.. i mean pretty and cute girls!! *wink*wink* we ate marvelous choc cake (made by kak reen), cucur ikan bilis by kakak2, scrambled eggs, etc. hehe.. the feeling was unexplainable.. all we did was smile..sMiLe..and smile..(i heard smiling is one of the awet wonder they all looks younger than i, keep on smiling everyone!!)

Tengah hari tu kami bincang psl Syahadah al-haq.. (i've got a long way to, ape yg sy tulis kt sini adalah ape yg sy dpt dr daurah aritu) syahadah bermaksud penyaksian. Haq bermaksud kebenaran. Syahadatul haq maksudnya same dgn dakwah.. kalau dulu, ckp psl dakwah, saye rase bnde tu menakutkn dan hanye ustaz dan ustazah je yg buat perkara2 dakwah tu. sy igt dakwah tu seperti berceramah pnjng lebar, duduk kt masjid2 dgr tazkirah, bla2.. tp saye silap. dakwah tu luas..

i like this one:kalau kite mengamalkn ape yg Allah suruh dan menjadi Qudwah hasanah(mksd: contoh yg baik), itu pun dh dikira sbg dakwah. Be ourselves (trying to be a gud muslim) . We are the reflects of islam.. especially for those who are studying abroad, we've got works to do ;p. There're lots of them who doesn't know the true islam. Some of them thought that we're some kind of whatsoever, it's our responsible to show them the real muslim.. Take this for example: while we're at jardin des plantes, some of us had a chat with this pakcik..and he asked them what they're wearing on their head. he assumed that they wore that 'thing' (hijab/tudung) becoz they tried to dry their wet hair(u know,typical girl always put towel around their head after bath).. they told him they're muslims and they wore hijab becoz of their religion.. c'est un peu drôle mais quand même c'est la vérité.

Tanggungjwb dakwah tu bkn utk ustaz ustazah shj, tp kpd sume org islam yg mengakui dirinya tu seorang islam..tout simplement, setiap org islam yg mengucap dua kalimah syahadah..ngaaa.. frankly,saye baru je tau dakwah tu tanggungjwb kite semua..hehe.. ;p

Dan demikian pula Kami telah
menjadikan kamu(Umat islam)'umat pertengahan' agar kamu menjadi saksi
atas(perbuatan) manusia dan agar Rasul(Muhammad) menjadi saksi atas
(perbuatan)kamu. Kami tidak menjadikan kiblat
yang(dahulu)kamu(berkiblat)kpdnya melainkan agar Kami mengetahui siapa
yang mengikuti Rasul dan siapa yang berbalik ke belakang. Sungguh,
(pemindahan kiblat)itu sangat berat. kecuali bagi orang yang telah
diberi petunjuk oleh Allah. Dan Allah tidak akan menyia-nyiakan imanmu.
Sungguh, Allal Maha Pengasih. MAha Penyayang kepada manusia."

(AQ,Al Baqarah:143)

KRINGG!! lunch time!
guess what for lunch.. sambal belacan!! made using REAL LESUNG BATU..diterbangkan khas dr msia.. ( i 'pau' some belacan from kak dayah) keh3..tenkiu2..sape2 perlukan belacan, sila dtg bilik.

If we search every nook and cranny, i don't think there'll be sumthing sweeter than the ukhwah itself..


- the COLOURS in france-

Sunday 21 October 2007

aNoTheR SyaWaL in Aix

SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDILFITRI and greetings to all..i noe it's kind of a bit late but it's better late than never =) 1syawal was on Saturday but we had class wif mr markides till noon.. ana and i were late coz we stayed up just to cook the 'second last' dish--> KUAH KACANG!!..haha.. wasn't a great day as 'sumthng' happened and we (ana and i) were not in the mood at all.. -_-" and i'm jealous dgn my ex-skolmate (in korea)who said that it was the best eid ever or so far.. isk2 xpe sham. nnt kite dtg korea! (berangan blh la..) ^_^

Thursday 20 September 2007

SeLaMaT pEnGaNtiN bArU... =)

Selamat pengantin baru buat sepupuku, Firdaus!! huhu.. Nampaknya, semua anak2 Mak Yong dah selamat, GILIRAN SIAPAKAH selepas ini?? jeng..jeng..jeng.. masing2 (sepupu) menunding jari. tak mahu dijadikan sasaran seterusnya.. ;p haha.. sape yg dh nak habis study tu,lebih tinggi percentage utk dijadikn sasaran tu.. (tu pemikiran segelintir masyarakat la..)

Tuesday 14 August 2007

hePi BiRtHday kaKaK and FaTiN

To my sisters.. hepi belated birthday..

senyum2 slalu...

Sunday 29 April 2007


sorila dah lame tak update blog..ramai dah bertanya2 ni..hehe..maaf ye.

Ok..seperti ade yg tahu, kite pergi Ireland utk cuti yg lepas..22-27april..mmg keinginan nk pegi sane sgt2 tinggi and i believe it's worth to go there..and it's true! i would like to thank --> dublin:hazirah,helma,ayu,sara..and all the sisters in dublin.. cork: dayah,dee,kak azraa,kak izzah,kak na, and everyone in cork..ramai sgt kalau nk tulis.. =) and special apologies to my CB..

insyaAllah saya kongsikan ape yg saya dpt..ok, hikayat puteri hang i Li bermula..hehe..

Alhamdulillah bile smpai rumah hazirah di dublin, saya ikut beliau ke halaqah.ade majlis tahlil and kak hanan ade sampaikn tazkirah dan yg plg saya igt,kak hanan ade ckp, kite ni slalu tertanye, CUKUPKAH BEKALAN UTK DIBAWA NANTI?? tu mmg sumthing yg kite kene slalu kite sering lupa..dlm kite mencari bekalan utk akhirat nnt, kite dah 'bersih'kan atau belum, dosa2 yg pernah kite lakukan sebelum ni? takkan la kite nk present jugak kt Allah nnt, dosa2 kite tu? hurm..

saya join sahabat2 yg lain ke kuliah di rcsi dari pagi sampai petang..haha..saya mmg minat medic, so, xdela rase bosan ;p yg bestnye tu, kt rcsi ade surau!! and rase tenang sangat dpt jumpe kwn2 girls yg lame dan btul. mmg rase hepi sentiasa.. =)

Lewat petang/mlm tu plak ade talk about 'the purpose of life'..ade dua speakers. sorang speaker name beliau Sheikh Abdul Rahmeen Green (seorang yg revert masuk Islam dan kini tinggal di London) dah seorang lagi speaker, korang blh imagine la..peserta/penonton yg hadir adalah dr pelbagai latar belakang.

what's the purpose of life?? hurm..EVERY SINGLE THING that has been created has its own purpose..the trees, pen, chairs,and even the small humble worm..yeah..THAT WORM. we need difinitive answer..
When The One who creates you, when The One who brought you to existence, the answer is from God..NOT from the mind of human..and Quran is the words from God..Everything is in The Book..

From daily behavior and others are becoz of HIM. Teringat saya pada peringatan seseorang suatu masa dahulu..katanya, even dalam doa iftitah pun ade mengatakan, kite hidup, kerja, and mati kerana Allah.. Apa2 yg kite buat hanya kerana-Nya.. niat tu penting.. buat ape kite nk menunjuk2? ape yg kite dpt? hanya riak, takbur, ujub, sum'ah dan mcm2 lagi..
smlm time belek2 quran, terjumpa ayat ni..cuba korang bukak ayat ke-102:
...bermegah-megahan telah melalaikn kamu..nescaya kamu akn melihat neraka dgn mata kepala sendiri... at-takasur

Tiba di Cork..sayang dayah sgt! dee pun tak dilupakn juga..hehe..
Jln2 di UCC dgn dayah..sgt cantik..lebih2 lagi saya pergi time tu baru lepas hujan..lagi la rase damai and fresh..UCC bnyk pokok,bunga,ade anak sungai and itik pun ade. best!i fell in love with cork.. and minum avalanche (camne eja bnde tu, dayah?) sedap sgt..huhu.. mlm tu plak, ade talk..the same talk and by the same muslim speaker except for the christian speaker..tukar org lain..

Naik tren ke Fota bersama dayah and dee..suke sgt..i luv kangaroo! ;p

Dayah buatkn kek.suke! dee plak buat mee hailam..adusla..baik betul!!
And actually this is a very special day for me coz one the miracle happened.. =) i'll treasure it..
The flight from cork to dublin took more than an soon as i arrived at the airport, i took a bus to city centre..i was smiling all the way..sampai tak sedar tertinggal luggage kt dlm saya xdela susah hati pun dan tak tahu kenapa.hehe..then, lepas hazirah sampai kt city center, ktrng pun mencarila beg tu yg dikatakan ade kt station yg berdekatan mountjoy square.

Early flight to Marseille..selamat hati still kat ireland..hurm..camne ni?? =)

-thanks to angrydandruff again-